SA Taxi Foundation

SA Taxi Foundation is the corporate social investment arm of SA Taxi, responsible for all socio-economic development contributions, partnerships, and initiatives undertaken by the SA Taxi group of companies.


The intention of the non-profit Foundation is to give effect to SA Taxi’s broader commitment to active citizenry, focused on the fact that most of South Africa remains limited in its access to basic human needs and will not realise real economic freedom without intervention. Given that half of the South African population travels by taxi every day and that SA Taxi is part of an industry that supports approximately 250 000 small businesses and more than 360 000 direct jobs and 600 000 indirect jobs, the Foundation is in the privileged position of being able to offer relevant social investment interventions.


It focuses on developmental projects in areas that relate to education. Established in January 2014, it already directly administers in excess of R8million in project value, with the value expected to increase relative to specific additional projects and partnerships. 2015 marks the first SA Taxi Foundation Art Award, which has broken new ground by requiring emerging artists to produce a work of art that is also converted into a decal to be carried on minibus taxis, thereby creating a link between industry and art.

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