Giving a home and hope to young girls
Giving a home and hope to young girls
Ms Khanyisile Motsa, affectionally known as Mam’ Khanyi is a Hillbrow resident who decided to make a change in her community and bring hope to many young girls who found themselves tangled in the dark web of sex trafficking and drug addiction.
In 2000, Mam’Khanyi took it upon herself to have a conversation with the young girls and quickly learned that they were being exploited. She put herself between these girls and their abusers by rescuing them and sheltering them in her own home. As the number of girls needing help increased, the next natural step was to register the organisation as an NPO and thus Home of Hope for Girls was born.
Once registered, the organisation and its many volunteers helped facilitate the removal and rehabilitation of the girls and in other cases, reunited them with their families. This home contributes greatly to the fight against gender-based violence by taking the victims of this crime out of harm’s way and helping them work towards a better future for themselves where they are in control of their destinies while simultaneously restoring their dignity.
“Every child has the right to safety, care and education, but for thousands of forgotten children this is nothing but a dream,” says Mam Khanyi.
In 2019, the SA Taxi Foundation decided to partner with Home of Hope for Girls to help alleviate some of the pressures they face in their work. Since then, the Foundation has assisted by donating school shoes and socks for the 31 girls of school-going age. Following an analysis of the home, they also assisted with painting the house and fixing the roof which was damaged by heavy rains in 2020. Most recently, the Foundation donated desktops to the home to help the residents gain computer skills so they can improve their lives.
Home of Hope relies heavily on support from individual donors and corporates. Want to lend a hand? Email the SA Taxi Foundation at to get involved.